Podcasting in Professional Services

Doing Business With a Servant's Heart, with Steve Ramona

John Tyreman Season 1 Episode 37

Achieve business success through podcasting with a heart of service.

Join us as we explore the inspiring methods of Steve Ramona, a keynote speaker, business consultant, and host of the "Doing Business with a Servant’s Heart" podcast, where he uplifts others and shares profound business insights. In this episode, you'll learn:

• How to be a good podcast host by using the ASLA framework
• Why Steve publishes episodes within 72 hours
• How edifying and serving guests can make your podcast stand out in a crowded space
• The power of niche podcasting to attract and deeply engage specific audiences
• Effective monetization strategies beyond traditional sponsorships
• Steve’s personal approach to networking and referrals

Connect with Steve on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/steveramona/
Visit the podcast website: https://www.servinginbusinesspodcast.com/

This episode was produced by Red Cedar Marketing. Need help launching and running a business podcast that actually produces results? Visit www.redcedarmarketing.com.

John Tyreman:

Welcome business podcasters to another episode of podcasting and professional services. If this is your first time here, this podcast features stories of experts and professional service providers who have created a business impact through the power of podcasting. I'm your host John Tyerman. And if you'd like what you hear, please subscribe to the show. It's on YouTube, Apple, Spotify, wherever you get your podcasts and uh, tell me what you think by leaving a rating and a review. All right. Today's episode features Steve Ramona, a keynote speaker, business consultant, TV host, and host of the doing business with a servant's heart podcast. In this conversation, Steve shares how his podcast has accelerated his network growth, how he practices leading with a servant's heart, different ways to monetize your podcast and adding incredible amounts of value to your audience and your guests, before we get to my conversation with Steve, let's launch a podcast for your business. Accelerate your network growth, build trust with buyers, and create endless content, all from a single source. If you're ready to explore the idea of launching a podcast for your business, I'm offering a free podcast consultation. Simply fill out the contact form on redcedarmarketing. com or send me a message on LinkedIn. All right. And now for my conversation with Steve Ramona. today I'm joined by Steve Ramona, keynote speaker, business consultant, TV host, and host of the doing business with a servant's heart. Welcome to the show, Steve.

Steve Ramona:

Thank you, John, for having me. I am fired up today.

John Tyreman:

Yeah, I'm excited. Just, just talking before we hit record there. We're talking about all sorts of stuff. Um, but before we dig into your show, what I'd love to do is just kind of like set the stage for our listeners. Um, What does it mean to do business with a servant's heart and how do you help your clients?

Steve Ramona:

Uplift everybody you meet and the level of that uplift or bring in value is probably a better way to, to say that is that should be your mindset first and foremost, everything else, a transaction, uh, a press intro, uh, somebody coming back to learn more about what you do will happen one way or the other. And maybe it's not with them. I found being a servant heart and having that servant mentality. In the last two years last year was my best year ever this year already is beaten this last year And I mean financially I mean building my network. I mean abundance It's been amazing because you want to think about it like this john Think of us as seven eight year old at christmas time. It's christmas day. We wake up earlier We usually do we run down before our parents we open our first gift. We're so fired up That's what I feel like when I do bring value to people an intro i've done probably 2 000 intros this year You That's a lot of interest what people call me super connector and promoter and I love doing it because I'll get an email But hey, thank you for induce me those two ladies We're gonna do something good together or what a great resource or whatever it may be Think about that mindset around that bringing the value Here's the other part of going down and the little kid runs to the tree is by the way his parents He probably made a gift or she made a gift for her parents or for their siblings. So there's that gift exchange So guess what I bring value to you John What's your next question? Oh my God, Steve, how can I support you? How can I help you? Well, now the opportunity door flies wide open and it goes, yeah, I need, do you know, people here, here do not pitch them, just invite them to go. I'm looking for this, this, and this. If you know what I love an introduction, don't go, Oh, Hey, John, what, what a great guest you were, by the way, you know what you need to sign up for my mentoring program, it's 500 an hour. This, this, this, that's not a servant's heart. A servant's heart is the value and then the ability to go and ask so I use this principle It's called the asla principle. It's kind of a cool name One of my guests gave me by the way ask the a shut up the s Listen and ask and a great podcast host. That's what i've learned You're gonna ask you're gonna shut up. You're gonna listen you're gonna ask or in a podcast case You might bring your comments if you learn to do that You'll be able to find value for people because I get that all the time. How do I find value? How do I serve them? Ask

John Tyreman:

I host another podcast and my cohost on that show, he talks about this all the time. He calls it having a low self orientation and the thinking about it in terms of, you know, orienting. everything that you're talking about in terms of what brings value to the counterpart to the prospect if you're in a sales conversation, right? Not thinking about it from, okay, how is this going to help me and me hit my quota or me help generate new business? It's how am I adding value? Because, you know, sales isn't a zero sum game, right? Business isn't a zero sum game. There is a mutual exchange of value. And that looks different from, you know, every person. And so that's why. You know, ask, shut up, listen, and then ask again. I love that you're bookending it with questions. Um, so that's, so that's great. So you're a super connector. Uh, well tell me about your business.

Steve Ramona:

Well, i'm gonna go backwards because i'm going to talk about my process and that's my tv show on my podcast Which I know that's the business you're in that's why we're so connected and we're gonna do stuff in the future So my process is I want to build a network We're all in the people asset investment business. What's that mean? We need people to grow our business. We need people to make money We need roi. We need if you don't have people you have zero people in your network You Or even one person, how much are you going to grow? Or like me, I have 8, 000 people in my network that I can go to either for resources, for money, whatever it may be. It's a powerful, some game. And I love that zero sum game. I'm going to borrow that in my next keynote speak. But, um, that's what I do with my podcast. And once I, when I started October of 2022 and started, you know, doing podcasts and then realizing people are introducing me to millionaires and billionaires, extremely successful business guys. Well, as you know, I get to learn from them for about 20 minutes, 25, 30 minutes. I get to get in their network. They get to get in my network and doesn't happen all the time. But if it happens 25 percent of the time, you're going to flourish. So I said earlier, last year was like, it was a good year. This year was a better year because I've built this network of people that want to, Hey, I want to work with you. You've got this large network. And we talked about the story. I walked in and met with some billionaires and they loved me and want to work with me. I'm not a billionaire. I'm not even a millionaire, but I'm a millionaire because of my network. They want access to my network. They wanted to get to know me, the value, the partnership. I'm a big, that's my business, which leads to my business partnerships. Just launched a funding and a consulting company for businesses that came from the podcast. But I put people together and they pay me a piece of the pie. So I bring a coach and I give him a referral. And it's a 20, 000 program. He gives me 15%, he sends me 1, 500. It is the most incredible way to make money without worrying about your business, because I hear all the time, see if I have any sales slow for two months, COVID hit this, hit this happened, whatever it may be, we'll go out to your network and even it's a hundred people, if there's a product or service that you really love and you are using, and it doesn't, you don't really have to use it, but you love it. Ask them the affiliate program. I do it all the time. Yeah, I do. Great. Let me let me get signed up because here Here's what i'm gonna do for you every uh every week for an hour or two I'm gonna go through my network and go hey, I just met this linkedin tool And I think I know you're on linkedin all the time. Tony smith. Hey, I wanted to share this with you Take a look at if you have any questions, let me know, you know, I sell those 10 to 20 a month that's 50 bucks every time I sell it. So that's that A hundred bucks no thousand bucks I think 50 times 20, 000. Yeah, I think I'm right. Yeah, 1, 000.

John Tyreman:

I think that math checks out.

Steve Ramona:

Yeah. Sorry, audience. Yeah, I'm great with math, but I'm so excited. I love being such a great show. So think about that. Even 500 to 1, 000. Well, you had four or five programs that an hour a week to make a little bit of money. I call email money. You get that email. It's a Zell. He is 500 bucks or here's, you know, Venmo money when you get that Venmo. Why would people do it? Well, it's a win, win, win. That coach got a great referral from me. He didn't have to market himself. I said, Hey Tony, you need me, Joey. He's incredible. I think he fits you because here's what I heard from you. Cause I asked, I asked, shut up and listen and asked, I brought that back. And like, Hey, you said this, you got mindset issues. And Hey, why don't you meet with Joey? Well, six weeks later, he became a client. What does Joey get from it? Well, he has at the market himself and he's going to get a client that's fired up to see him. What do I get? I get 1, 500.

John Tyreman:

Well, it takes, it takes such a long time to build a network and this is something that I've been, you know, working at for years, right? And you know, there are ways to accelerate that. And it seems like that was what your podcast did. Right. And so you mentioned that you started that in October of 22, was it? And then, so you launched, I believe your first episode was in January 23. Right. So let's, let's talk about, let's talk about your podcast and its role in accelerating your network. Cause I love this, this topic.

Steve Ramona:

Well, it's changed just like you're, I know yours is newer. I have talked to people four or five years. It changes like any business, anything. I started out just promoting my clients. I believe as a servant's heart, if you own a business, you have clients. Find a way to promote them. If you're interested, what a great way. I have a lady and she's a coach. She started a podcast. She brought all 10 of her clients and highlighted them and put them out to her world. What's that client gonna think oh my gosh She's awesome. This is so powerful So I started that way and i've been doing it for years on linkedin just putting them up there and using The service that we had is uh, it was a digital business card So I'd go hey meet so and so and you know, so passively I was selling their product But the big part of it was hey, you need to check out this if you got You know this this or this you might want to reach out to them And then what happened is my network start growing. Like, Hey, I met this guy. He should be on your podcast. I met this gal. She should be on your podcast. And then I was asking at the end, because of a whole system of my podcast. You don't need great guests. They're very successful. Yeah. I know, you know, um, oh, I forgot his name. The founder of BNI, Ivan Meisner. Would you like to have him on? Absolutely. He came on my show. He's a, 22, 000 BNI, multiple millionaire, Lee Steinberg, who's Patrick Mahomes agent. I reached out and asked, I said, I'd love to have you on your show. I love your story. You're the Jerry Maguire movie. Yeah. Just reach out to my assistant. Three weeks later, he was on my show podcast. Let people share their voice and their message, rich people, successful people, influential people. That's their power. You know, I'm trying to think of what Taylor Swift, perfect example. Her power is her brand. She's at a football game. She's hanging out with Travis Kelsey, Dayton, whatever's going on. And she goes on tour, but it's out there getting her voice, but a podcast could do that for that life agent. That's out there trying to help people he's trying to serve his clients.

John Tyreman:


Steve Ramona:

And he's doing good. He wants that message out. What a way to change your whole unique. If you're a life agent, how many life agents are out there? Millions. Either you do a podcast or you jump on a podcast. Now your voice is getting out there. It's a powerful tool.

John Tyreman:

I think it was Scott McCain. I interviewed him years ago and he, he likened it like into podcasting to on demand niche radio. And I liked that description because it's like, there's a podcast for almost any topic out there. Um, you know, one of my clients that I, uh, launched a podcast for it's financial services for chauffeur transportation businesses. And it's so super niche and we launched a podcast around it and it's growing like gangbusters. And, um, it's, it's so cool how there's so many different little niches that you can go in. Uh, but the importance of that is the audience that listens to those podcasts are super engaged. Uh, they're very relevant to the, to the subject matter. So it makes for a very pinpointed, um, you know, getting your message in front of the right audience. Maybe not necessarily a giant audience, but the right. People are listening to those kinds of podcasts.

Steve Ramona:

Absolutely. Because you affect one person. If this podcast affects one person to take a step to take, build their network, means you're going to be super happy. Now, if it's a hundred, we'd be happier. And that's, again, that servant's heart. We, you know, when you go speak and when I keynote speak, I don't, Worry about I mean, I I want to engage everybody. I learned this from a top speaker. He's in the hall of fame He says engage with everybody talk to them not through them And if one person walks out of that thousand person speaking gig I did and I changed their life Super happy i'd like to try to do all thousand, but that's our goal is just trying to impact lives. How many we do As I say only god in the universe knows what that is and we just with that mindset You Good things are going to happen.

John Tyreman:

Well, yeah, and it's it gives like for example, this podcast is giving you a voice and you know without this podcast We probably wouldn't be having this conversation right now And so it gives us both a platform to to speak and connect and um in a visible way and you know going back to Podcasting and, uh, you shared a couple stats with me before we jumped on the call and funny enough, those were like stats that I had just recently shared in my newsletter. so the two stats are monthly listeners of podcasts, in the United States has reached 50%. So 50 percent of the population 12 and older have listened to a podcast within the last month. And that number continues to rise year over year over year. Now, the number of new podcasts entering the market. So new shows being launched, um, that's declining. And there was a peak in the pandemic, but in then since then that number has gone down into me, that signals that there is a supply and a demand, uh, that's out of balance. There's so much demand for podcasts and people are used to listening, but there's not enough supply. Um, what would you, what would you say to some of that?

Steve Ramona:

Well, the first thing is I think everybody jumped on a podcast during COVID. I'm broke. I'm not making any money. My numbers are down. I'm going to get sponsors and that's going to pay my bills for, for a year. Don't work that way. It's I've had sponsors on my show and I don't worry about them. And I love my sponsor and if you're out there want to sponsor my podcast or John's I Suggest to do it on a quick note because it's evergreen I've sold my sponsors have made money year a year later for a podcast I did Somebody listened to it signed up for their program and I don't remember what it was so that's from a sponsor site from this site is I Show people a way to make money without A sponsor because i've had a sponsor for a year, but i'm making thousands of dollars a month And if anybody can do it, I don't i'm not relying on a sponsor Because they all laughed at the three months like well the roi because it's not The podcast is not going to go. Hey, you're a million dollar company I'm not going to take them to a five million dollar company in a year just not but it's more of brandy and exposure and Now is probably with these stats. We probably look at sponsorship a little more but anybody could do what I do And that's just leveraging your guest We start with a 10 minute get to know I laugh I talk about them learn what they want to talk about Engage with them By the time we start to show our energy levels here Then you do a great show, which is not hard to do. Cause you just ask questions.

John Tyreman:


Steve Ramona:

get your energy. Asla. Thank you. See John's my new partner in this, but then the magic happens after. And this is what I learned from Josh tap. I give a shout out. He's not my business partner, but taught me this is they're so fired up. How was your show? Great for me. I got notes. Oh man, Steve. It was great. Hey, I've got a couple of intros. I start bringing value more than just the show. And then what are you going to say? How can I support you, Steve? Oh my gosh, this was great. You're going to get me out in 72 hours and this and that. And now I can open that door of opportunity opens.

John Tyreman:

Why do you think that is? Is it just like human nature to be reciprocal to people that are offering help?

Steve Ramona:

I learned this from a guy who made 250 million a year in his company. When I met him, I like, I got to ask you, what's your secret sauce? He said, I serve every day. I wake up serving, I go to bed serving, but I went through my story. Cause I'd go, Hey, John, here's some introductions. Oh no. And I put my hand up. Oh, I'm good. No, I don't, you know, I don't need any help. He says. You don't do this consciously, but subconsciously you turn them into takers because you flourish them with gifts with this energy. They want to support you and help you and you knock that down. So you take that energy and you shut it off. That's why things weren't coming to you. With a true servant's heart you needed to give and receive give and receive and don't worry about scoreboarding it You know, he gave me three referrals. I'm gonna give him four. No. No, it's just bring value Sometimes it could be here's a little tip on your linkedin if you do this you could change it and it changes their lives On linkedin. So once I learned that game changer,

John Tyreman:

Yeah, that's a good point because, you know, value is relative and the knowledge that you have or the connections that you have may hold a certain weight to you, but that may be worth a lot, lot more to someone else. And so you never really know. And so I think that having that low self orientation and leading with that servant's heart. You never know what stones you're going to unturn and find gold for someone else, for yourself, for a third party, perhaps.

Steve Ramona:

Yep, and I'll tell you a great story. Sorry to interrupt because this is this will The whole thing, why I do what I do. I love, and I love what you do, John. So Katie, we jumped on a call, get to know discovery call. And I gave her three referrals to help her business and help her. And for weeks she didn't respond because eventually I got an email because I'm on the email email thread and said, Hey, sorry for delay to all three people. But I had some issues with my, my twin eight year old. Uh, boys are special needs. Oh, understandable. Of course. So she goes and does the meeting a week later, I get an email and I'm gonna get a little bit emotional. Cause it's, it was, it was unbelievable. Katie writes, I'm speechless. LOL. I'm typing this. You did three referrals for me to build my business. But you know what you did? These three people gave me so many resources I've been looking for for seven years to help me through this journey with my boys. You've completely changed my family's life. We see light at the end of the tunnel and I will never ever. Uh know how i'm gonna repay you and I think you're the deepest deepest part of my heart and i'm in tears Reading this now audience think about it I did not know that but my servant's heart led me to the action of here's some people I think you need to meet because we don't know the shoes like you just said so well, we don't know the shoes And I know that's happened with other people. I'm just not hearing it and that's okay. I don't need to hear it. But that one time spurs me every time I meet somebody, it's always in the back of my head when I'm doing something for Seth, what am I really, I could be changing lines here and I want to do that. I want to make an impact.

John Tyreman:

that's really powerful. And, um, yeah, I, I can recall times myself where I was in pretty dire straits and there've been people who've offered me help, um, referrals and that have turned into clients that without that, that I might not, you know, be in this position of where I am today. Uh, so yeah, that's, if you're always leading with a servant's heart, you never know who you're going to help along the way and that kind of kindness and generosity, what you put out into the world, you seem to get back, you know, and that's

Steve Ramona:

Universe talks to you.

John Tyreman:

yeah, it really does. And it's really powerful. Um, you know, speaking of, and I want to, I want to bring us back to, to podcasting, um, And then maybe we can kind of take that, that same kernel and kind of wrap it in here the other day, when we had an intro call, we were just getting acquainted. We were, we were just talking about podcasting tactics and things like that. Um, we talked about this, this notion of there are some podcasts who charge guests for an interview, and there's some guests who charge a podcast host. You know, a fee to have them out on as a guest, you know, what, what are your thoughts on that?

Steve Ramona:

Your podcast is your podcast john Yours yours mine is mine We do run it the way I give tips and how you could run it But you run it the way you want to and if you want to charge Go for it what I feel is i'm you know, i'm I'm bringing value to them, right? And when I bring all that value to 10 20 30 rule And what's happened in my life? You That one person I charge that doesn't come on could be that person that changed my life Could be the partner of all partners Because most podcasts i've been on well I think this last one this week was the first one in probably a year that I saw somebody charging So that's the other perspective. I you know one lady. I it's this amount that I said So and so i'm not going to say her name is I could go on 10 other podcasts and not pay for it They're much bigger than yours You And I go on every podcast. Somebody asks, that's another servant's heart. And if you don't have time, let's understand, but you know, don't go, not go on a podcast because you know, they have 20 followers, one person could change your life again, the servant's heart, but that's where I feel. I think we lose some of that servant's heart when we say, I'm going to start charging. Yeah. I understand this bill. I have bills, you know, I spend money on my tools for my podcast. You do as well, John and other people doing some people are hiring production companies. But if you want to do that, I think the sponsorship value is the way to go find a sponsor I know it's hard. It's not easy, but find a sponsor because that's more legitimate because guess what like I said earlier They're evergreen they give you 1500 for three months Let's say and they get a sale out of it six months later. There's the value to that What's the value of me paying 50 to be on a podcast? It's like doing what i'm doing here.

John Tyreman:

I totally agree. Honestly, I don't think that that is following, you know, the, the servant leadership mentality, but I also think that if there's a, a monetary value exchange ahead of the conversation, then it puts constraints on the conversation. Right, because there's an expectation that the guest is going to have a platform to be able to say what they want to say rather than the host being able to extract the information that they believe is valuable to the audience.

Steve Ramona:

Good point Really good point disclaimer. Uh, we talked about this, I believe, but if you are charging somebody as a guest, the FD, uh, who's that? Not the FD uh, SEC, not his. Yeah. F, c, C. Thank you. That's who it was. Uh, you now have to say on your podcast. Or have a you know, a video or something on the podcast a ticker that says hey This show is sponsored by steve ramona if I had paid you

John Tyreman:


Steve Ramona:

If not, there's thousands and thousands of dollars of fines So if you are doing it and we're not saying not to do it It's just what we decide if you are take a look at that or make sure It's just as simple you could put a ticker or just mention your monologue Hey, you know, I want to thank steve ramona for sponsoring this episode of this podcast. That's it They're not doing anything special, but you got to make sure you do it because people are getting fined right now.

John Tyreman:

Really? Wow.

Steve Ramona:


John Tyreman:

Yeah. And if you don't think it can happen to you, just wait, wait until the feds come. Right.

Steve Ramona:

Yes Yes

John Tyreman:

I think people think about podcast monetization a little too narrowly sometimes, you know, and like charging guests, um, you know, I think sponsors is absolutely a way to monetize and it's, you've proven that Steve, you know, I've got clients who, who do that, I've talked with other. Podcasters who have sponsorships. And that's a definitely a way to offset production costs at the very least. Um, but I think that there's, you know, there's also, there's different ways to structure sponsorship deals. Right. And, um, I'd love to unpack that a little bit. Like I, you know, sure. There's flat rates. Um, I've done exercises where I've calculated the media value of different channels. You know, and I'm just curious how you're, how you approach sponsorships. Is it a performance based model? Is it, you know, a flat rate? What, what are some of the ways that you've seen that maybe in your podcast or maybe in others?

Steve Ramona:

my podcast was all about what those sponsors was exposure And now you're on my podcast and in my youtube channel forever as long as there's the internet Somebody five years later could click on and see you know, one of my sponsors and click on the link and sign up But here's the cool way of doing it you just brought back some ideas i'm gonna Go over after we get done with this show is you can trade trade services Hey, you know what? I'll sponsor you LinkedIn product I don't want to say products but give me your service for free CM product, uh, any, any service product, you know, or it could be barter. Thank you. A barter system. That's exactly what I was thinking. That's a great way of doing it.

John Tyreman:

Well, again, you know, there's, it's, it's like we talked about earlier. It's the relative perception of value and what that means. And as long as there's an equal value exchange, then maybe there doesn't even need to be any monetary exchange.

Steve Ramona:

Yeah, cause barter, I mean, as you're saving a hundred dollars a month on some product, somebody just shared a CRM with me, or maybe it's a podcast production company, whoever. Yeah, I'll put you on because still there's still value on their side because they sit on the podcast again evergreen and who knows somebody will reach out Here's the other thing that people lose sight of 90 percent of podcast host on this is a million dollar tip out there for all of you Promote you are sponsor your own business on your podcast. I Do it every day Pantheon Alliance is I host there. It's a mastermind. It's in my monologue. I want to thank my Now people are like, well, and I'm like, there's no, well, they're not paying me anything. I'm part of the company. So you can use that. I mean, I had a business coach do that. She got three clients within a year sponsoring her own business. People are like, because here's the power of it. So she starts doing podcasts. They start worrying about her. They start liking her and they start trusting her and they keep hearing this, it's the same over and every show. It's real quick, you know, 30 seconds. Then they go, you know, she might say, Hey, click on the link to learn more. She had three people click this 30, 000. She made as clients.

John Tyreman:

I think that is an underrated tactic. And I think a lot of people know that and kind of understand that intuitively. Um, but I think that there is some level of aversion to it. I don't know. I don't understand why, you know, maybe it is like they truly do have a two, maybe too much of a servant's heart and it's hard for them to promote their own work. Um, or their own company, or maybe they, they want it to be a separate entity from the company. I suppose that there could be a number of different reasons why,

Steve Ramona:

it's powerful because I've been doing it and nobody's sent me an email or a text like, Hey, what an idiot you are. You're sponsoring your own podcast. You're talking about your own business and your podcast. And afterwards people will go, Hey, what's Pantheon Alliance? Doesn't happen all the time. Well, this is what we do. So there's that, that part of the conversation. It's just really cool. And if you've got multiple projects, then you've got two sponsors, you know, you know, you're an affiliate guy, start a podcast and take three of your affiliate programs, one month, promote them next month. It's a different, you know, there's so many puzzle pieces that you can do to move them around and have fun with.

John Tyreman:

And it's, it's an experiment, right? In, I like to say that there's no rules in podcasting and there's multiple paths that you can follow. Um, and you know, I think one thing that I've learned at least in my own experience is that what I try to do is I try to have every episode be better than the last, whether, you know, that's production value, whether that's the way I promote it, whether that's the conversation, there's some element of the podcast that I just want to just get a little bit better every time. Speaking of kind of like experimenting and doing things different ways, you mentioned before, uh, we started recording and I just want to make sure that we touch on this, that you'll record an interview and then you'll have it on YouTube, like 48, 72 hours later. Well ahead of when that, that podcast episode is released. Um, can, can you talk about the decision to do that? Like, why do you do that as opposed to releasing them at the same time on those two channels?

Steve Ramona:

Yeah, most people won't be in my situation audience when you think about because I was doing five podcasts a day for six months. I did. So I did hundreds of podcasts. It was, but again, was my process. So it was great. Every five, you know, I meet new people. And if you want to do it, you could do it. I've done it. It's not bad thing if you have time to do that. But I tell people as a servant's heart, Your service is here and what i'm always doing john. You just said it earlier every podcast I want to be a little bit better. I want to do a little more service So I was thinking six months ago. I'm like, you know I'm waiting for these people why I throw them on youtube. There's no algorithm issue. There's none of that And I can promote them right away Well, most people have been on podcast knows it's two to six seven eight weeks before you're on Like this podcast you said it might be december and that's okay that's just How it goes with that. It's not wrong Thinking because that's serving people thinking a little more service. I tell them. Hey, john. Thanks for being on Hey, when's this show gonna be out in about 72 hours? Oh my god, really? I said, yeah, I want to get your show out people need to hear what you said. What am I doing? I'm edifying them. I'm serving them. I i'm pumping them up getting them excited Then I say and guess what i'm gonna have you probably in three or four months I get to highlight and promote you again, really? You So yeah, cause then I'm going to throw you my podcast. Cause I've got a backup of my podcast. I only do two a week and now the energy level and the service level is up here because I'm giving them more. I'm given an opportunity to see them again. And I just did the podcast last week. It's been five months and the guy reached out and goes, Oh my God, somebody reached out and listened to that podcast is asking me questions he forgot about. Cause we did it four or five months ago. I put them on my podcast and somebody's reaching out to them. So not that that always happens, but. Audience do me a favor. This is my message to a million people do more serve more john You said it. I want my podcast better always find ways because There's millions of podcasts out there Me and you have to be different if we want people to watch and that's one way you can do that.

John Tyreman:

Love that. Well, Steve, this has just been an incredible conversation. Um, I feel like we could just keep talking forever about, about this kind of stuff. And if folks that are listening, if they want to find you, Steve, obviously they can listen to your podcast, doing business with a servant's heart. Um, but let's say they wanted to type in a URL to their search browser. Where, where should they go?

Steve Ramona:

Go linkedin i'm on linkedin all the time Uh because i'm a business b2b, you know, i'm always mentoring business people. So if you're entrepreneur business owner, um You can use my digital business card in phone. I n p h o n e dot co slash podcast You That's info.co/podcast or you can email me at Steve R 19 sixty1@gmail.com and I have some free podcast workshops and free business mentoring workshop. If you're interested, just reach out.

John Tyreman:

Excellent. Well, follow Steve on LinkedIn, connect with him on LinkedIn and check out his podcast, doing business with a servant's heart. Uh, Steve, thank you again for all of the insight and for the conversation. And this was awesome.

Steve Ramona:

Thank you, John. God bless.

John Tyreman:

All right. Thank you so much for listening to my conversation with Steve. If you found this episode insightful, please leave a rating and review. Subscribe to the YouTube channel and follow along on LinkedIn. Happy podcasting!

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